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Posts published in November 2016

Valley People (Nov. 30, 2016)

THE ESSENTIAL LIBBY’S RESTAURANT, Philo, closes after its Saturday night servings, and for many of us it’s like a death in the family. Twenty years? Has it been that long? The Valley won’t be the same without the high Mexican cuisine of Arturo and Libby Favela.

A Visit To Blackbird Farm

The thing about Blackbird Farm and the full-color pictures painted of the beautiful children is that the moment the grossly expansive use permit is approved,…

KZYX Surprises

An unexpected development appeared as an action item on the November 7th agenda of the KZYX Board of Directors meeting. The Board was asked to…

A Tale of Two Donnies

I was a child of the sixties – literally, as those were my elementary school years. I grew up in a lower-middle-class suburb of Los…

The Sword of Damocles

The term "sword of Damocles hanging over..." evokes a threat to whoever is underneath. In the original myth, Damocles was a nobleman in the court…

Who Poisoned My Grapes? (Part 3)

So the grape crop was picked, less than one ton, picked right next to the railroad. I gave a sigh of relief. But this was…

Sailing Out Of Willits (Part 5)

Been on board the Constance one month today. We left another beautiful anchorage and not really sure where we’ll be tonight, but somewhere about half-way to Golfito, our last stop in Costa Rica.
