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Posts published in November 2016

Basketball Weekend

ON SATURDAY December 3rd at 5:30 pm, the final day of the 2016 Redwood Classic, the Anderson Valley basketball team of 1966, arguably the best…

Measure AG falls 165 votes short

22 DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION, The Mendo Results (Partial) WILL LEE won a Fort Bragg City Council seat (1,623 votes, 35.77%) with BERNIE NORVELL winning…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016

McGhan Resigns;
Redwood Classic;
Libby's Closing;
Crab Scare;
Familiar Faces;
Hippie Towns;
Big Band;
Keegan Nuptials;
Woodhouse Negotiations;
Lawyer Letters;
AF Autopsy;
Legal Sex;
Green Democrats;
Fascism Hysteria;
Little Dog;
Two Donnies;
Yesterday's Catch;
Kidnapped Trimmigrant;
Stoner Rights;
Gender Harassment;
Syria Story;
Against Him;
Social Roleplaying;
WSPA Lobby;
Tile Coasters

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Nov. 28, 2016

Fred Medinas;
Boonville Big Band;
Worm Turning;
Encroaching Fascism;
Rodger's Tribute;
Lost Shroomer Appears;
Homeless Huts;
Great Divide;
Hospital Torture;
Kaepernick Provocateur;
Catholic Environment;
Party Senility;
Stuart Allen;
Political PTSD

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016

DeShaun Davis;
Standing Rock Eviction Notice;
Obama's Inaction;
Irresponsible Parties;
Little Dog;
Highway Fatalities;
Scandalous Roadcut;
Castro/Cuba Memories;
After AF;
Darker Darknesses;
Fascist Donald;
HairForce One;
Marco Radio;
Library Events;
Dream Doctor

The Last Unknown Man

He was the only man the FBI ever listed as missing, even though they knew where he was.

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Nov. 26, 2016

Killing Shots;
Mendo Health;
Missing Shroomer;
Demonstration Coverage;
Yesterday's Catch;
Fidel Castro;
Standing Horse;
Nader Fable;
Little Dog;
Doctor Visits;
Troop Support;
Inspector Calls;
Off Color;
Weed & Guns;
Wisconsin Recount;
Benefit Concert;
Meet Richard;
Federal Monies

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Nov. 25, 2016

River Watch;
'66 Panthers;
Robber Apprehended;
Little Dog;
Santa Popped;
First Impressions;
Ukiah Costco;
Housemate Wanted;
Yesterday's Catch;
The Finisher;
Fake News;
Gertrude's Portrait;
Hacking Unlikely;
Dog Sweater;
Uneasy Listening;
Trump's Hair;
Papini Found;
Prop 53
