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Posts published in October 2016

If Wagner Scored The Debates

I have felt more refreshed sitting through five hours of Wagner’s Götterdämmerung than I did after the excruciatingly slow ninety minutes of Monday’s long-dreaded presidential debate. Hey, that’s it—Wagner to the rescue! The main problem…

Murder On Peachland Road

This is a sequel to my story about the burning of Lone Tree. Maybe ten or twelve years later, along about 1993, my daughter Wendy had gone off to college (not at 18, but a…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016

Veep Debate;
Where's Woody;
Vanilla Thrilla;
Sweeney Question;
PA Candidates;
Soul Art;
Abnormally Dry;
Yesterday's Catch;
Cannabis Opportunity;
MVFD Event;
Bones Found;
Starfleet Privatized;
Waging Peace;
Unsolved Murders;
Ukiah Art;
Spiritual Defenders

It’s Everyone Else’s Fault

The Bronwen Hanes sentencing early last week proved to be a textbook exhibit of perp denial. All evidence to the contrary, Ms. Hanes, and her volatile boy friend, Tommy Lemons Jr., placed blame for their difficulties everywhere but where they belong — on themselves.

Coast Hospital: Slouching Toward Bankruptcy

The Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors held a meeting Thursday night, September 29th. Maybe you didn't hear about it. No worries, they only approved $4 million worth of uninsured new debt revenue…

Off the Record (Oct. 5, 2016)

WHERE’S WOODHOUSE? The Third District Supervisor missed a Board of Supervisors meeting on September 13th. There were vague references to a personal or family situation that caused his absence. Woodhouse then missed the joint meeting…
