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Posts published in January 2016

Bern Baby Bern!

Report From Ground Zero

The January 20th meeting of the County Behavioral Health Advisory Board (BHAB) was held at what some might term “ground zero” on the Mendocino Coast.…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Jan 27, 2016

Another CPS Lawsuit;
Privatization Costly;
Supes Marijuana Meeting;
Regressive Taxation;
Fort Bragg Virtues;
Bernie Over Hil;
Yesterday's Catch;
KZYX Meeting Notes;
Hot Tub Stehr

Mendocino County’s Retirement Fund Fiasco

Early reactions to Tuesday’s joint meeting between the Supes and the Retirement Board left several attendees thinking that although the Board's financial expert Ted Stephens…

Fukushima Mon Amour

Is the crisis in Fukushima over or just beginning? You might be forgiven for scratching your head at that one. Nearly five years after the…

Valley People (Jan 27, 2016)

OVER THE PAST THREE WEEKS, we've had only three rain-free days. Put differently, over the past 21 days, 18 were wet. During that stretch Yorkville's…

Bird’s Eye View (Jan 27, 2016)

Hummingbird and I visited the newly-opened Bewildered Pig at the Floodgate in the Deep End last weekend. The restaurant looks wonderful, the ambience works very well, and the service was excellent. I won’t go into the food details; you can find out for yourselves, suffice to say it was delectable, and the twenty or so local folks there to whom I talked all had very positive things to say.

Letters (Jan 27, 2016)

I was dismayed to see what was an obviously biased letter posted online in your "Mendocino County Today" column titled, "Sage Non-Persons Her Critics." Placing it there gives it an air of veracity. In fact, the letter's author has been part of a personal, months-long social media campaign against the Mendocino Animal Care Services shelter, promulgating hurtful, fact-free opinions, and bashing the competence and morality through the use of inflammatory rhetoric.
