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Posts published in July 2015

Physician-Assisted Dying: Honest Choices

Physician-assisted dying (not "suicide" — a term that is not truly relevant here) is a complex and emotional issue. Here is a perspective done with a leading physician with much direct experience — and who has quit one of his professional medical associations due to their lack of integrity on the topic.

The Stony Lonesome: Stereotypes

If I were a big game hunter, one place I would absolutely not ply my trade would be a zoo. It wouldn't be an honest…

Road Notes: Denver-Las Vegas

I'd been to Reno and found it thoroughly unpleasant, what my friend Dave would call a "real dump." And, my old buddy Bob ended his life of substance abuse problems by overdosing there. He was a talented musician with an equally if not more talented rich & famous musician brother who had stayed home and practiced while Bob went about getting fucked up. Yep, that's pretty much how it works.

Cover Stories

I recently got a letter from my editor at Counterpoint Press, the daring publishing company bringing out a paperback edition of my book Buddha In A Teacup in early 2016, saying he would soon be sending me samples of their cover ideas. So I held my breath for a few days and recalled my book cover adventures with publishers of my previous books. This helped temper fantasies of a superb cover for Buddha In A Teacup. Indeed, after reviewing my history of book covers, I decided to hope for legible.

Hiking The JMT

By the time you read this I should be somewhere on the John Muir Trail, most likely in Yosemite National Park. This will all be…

Letters (July 29, 2015)

When I ran for city council against Scott Dietz and Doug Hammerstrom I never could figure out why they were running. Now it is four years later, I still have no idea. At the time of the election they did not seem to be overly interested in any kind of an issue. Scott made the point that he understood budgets, having worked for the bus company in a financial capacity somehow.

Valley People (July 29, 2015)

MANY LOCALS felt the earth shudder late Monday morning. According to the USGS, a quake measuring 3.5 was centered a few miles south of Point…

Bird’s Eye View (July 29, 2015)

Are you up for some significant service to our community? Well your opportunity to make a difference has arrived. With High School Principal Michelle Hutchins taking on the extra duties of School Superintendent starting in the fall, many Valley folks believe a number of new ideas may be introduced at our local schools, and now we are presented with a chance to make a positive complement to her appointment: The upcoming School Board elections in the fall.
