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Posts published in February 2015

Letter from Paris (to Ishmael Reed)

All is well here at our house. Religious fanatics were on other side of town. But religious fanaticism is a threat all the way around…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Feb 25, 2015

Herbicide Meeting;
Frost-fan Season;
Woodhouse Impression;
FB Council Meeting;
Catch o'the Day;
Degrees of Crazy;
Burl Poaching;
Contemptible Heroes;
Hot Mannequins;
Medical Insurance;
Museum Exhibits;
Ukiah Artwork;
Melcher v Sakowicz;
Pledge Flop;
Mental Health Meeting

Greenpeace’s MRC Greenwash

“Clean up your act, not your image” is the slogan of the campaign recently launched by none other than Greenpeace International, which seeks to expose the hype behind the shiny, green marketing claims of corporate plunderers in the oil, electricity, automobile, coal, nuclear, and forestry sectors.

Valley People (Feb 25, 2015)

FROST FANS in vineyards northeast of Central Boonville kicked on Monday and Tuesday morning about midnight, as did the sprinkler system in the vast vineyard…

Letters (Feb 25, 2015)

The destructive mowing of the Headlands State Park in Mendocino is so sad to see. All the foliage is gone except a few small patches. No more habitat at all, no roses, no berries, no grasses, no small paths, no secret quiet spots, no lizards, snakes, mice; nothing interesting at all just stubble and skitched raw earth.

Bird’s Eye View (Feb 25, 2105)

Apparently, this past week has seen a journalist from Newsweek, the national weekly magazine, in the Valley researching an article that will feature your beloved AVA, the last real newspaper in America! Perhaps there is more on the event elsewhere in this week’s edition but don’t be surprised if Messrs. Anderson, Scaramella, and McEwen act a little highpockety (to use a Boontling phrase) when you next see them around town.

The Windmill

In the 1940s I remember my grandfather digging a well at our pear ranch. It was not very deep and he lined with wooden boards.…

The Gusts of Globalization

Last month the novelist, screenwriter, and CounterPunch contributor Clancy Sigal, whose most recent book is the vital Hemingway Lives!, sent me the following vignette, a…

Weed Seeds

Wild birds perch on bare lambsquarter limbs, picking off the tiny black seeds. Lambsquarters, the weed, is closely related to quinoa, the grain, one of…
