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Posts published in January 2015


Elizabeth is an unattractive city in the armpit of northern New Jersey. Some important neighboring cities are Newark, with which it shares a seaport; Linden,…

New Year’s Intentions

The gentle winter sun is smiling on dozens of migrant ducks sharing the heart of the peaceful cove with grebes and cormorants, while a steady stream of voluble tourists rushes by me. Two big pelicans glide into view, circle the assembly of bobbing ducks and grebes, and make splash landings quite close to shore.

Cow Sharing

Winter hovers outside; the month of December in the Ohio Valley turned out mild and dark with drizzly overcast days and almost no sunshine.  It's…

Getting Ripped Off via Craigslist

In retrospect, the transaction was kind of strange. But then again, aren’t they usually a bit odd when they originate from Craigslist? It certainly wasn’t…

Emerald Triangle Argonauts & Ecotopian Avatars

A curious cave north of Laytonville, off Spy Rock Road, must have held an “amazing acoustic effect” as the Special Agents of our trusty local Drug Task Force began tapping at and around a hidden door masquerading as a set of shelves. Although the officers had already searched the area, they decided to take a closer look at the shelves when a man suddenly appeared who hadn't been there the first time around. The shelves had become Mr. Todd Wagner.

Off the Record (Jan 7, 2015)

THE NEW UKIAH CITY COUNCIL, according to the Ukiah Daily Journal, is going for $15,000 worth of consulting to “facilitate goal setting.” The last time the Council went looking for outside advice, they came up with Ukiah-based consultant Steve Zuieback and his “process enneagram.” I can't remember how much they paid Zuieback for his enema, but the City Council that hired him was purged in the next election.

Inside Moves, Take 2

As many readers may know, last week I wrote about former Fort Bragg Police Chief Scott Mayberry having falsely accused a fellow Fort Bragg PD…
