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Posts published in September 2014

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Feds Pop Graves;
Severe Climate;
253 Crash;
Yom Homecoming;
Pot v Fish;
Ambulance Squeeze;
Math Problem;
Welcome, TrinCo!;
Old Rockers;
Place Holder;
Oldest Ways;
Police Reports;
Radio Rot;
Golden Years

A Crafts-Filled Weekend

Pottery exhibit, cloth-making presentation highlight local and Hawaiian cultures by Roberta Werdinger The Grace Hudson Museum will be abuzz with craft-oriented projects on the first…

Lakeport Art Opening: Marcie Ann Long

Join award-winning artist Marcie Ann Long at the Lake County Arts Council and Main Street Gallery, 325 N. Main St., Lakeport. On display over a…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Yom Homecoming;
AVHC Questions;
Hamburg Think;
Expendable Boys;
Afghanistan Forever;
Sex News;
Bari's Bomber;
Old Loggers;
Party Pooper;
Cannabiz Elite;
Tough Guy;
Bottled Wrath;
Watershed Film;
Catch of the Day;
American Breakfast;
Flu Clinic;
County Board Openings

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, September 28, 2014

Wine Mob;
40% Rain;
Top Cops Talk Pot;
Cat's Dream;
Luminous Halo;
Rutherford Memorial;
AVHS Reunion;
Georgia Summit;
Hogwood's Gift;
Brutal Soccer;
Catch of the Day;
Tunnel Luncheon

Mendocino County Today, Saturday, September 27, 2014

Reckless Pedalling;
Boonville Homestead;
Body Found;
Catch of the Day;
Marijuana Darkside;
Creepy Mascot;
Cootchy Cookies;
Drought Fault;
KZYX Birthday;
Meeting Delay;
Salad University;
Food News;
Marijuana Actuary;
HHSA Excitements;
Lone Gentleman;
Campfire Permits;
Laytonville Ecovillage;
MCOG Events;
Stehr Dimension

Mendocino County Today: Friday, September 26, 2014

Fall Weather;
Bypass Troubles;
Mayberry Hired;
KZYX Photos;
Losak's Raise;
Andrew Fisch;
Police Reports;
Catch of the Day;
FB Water Storage;
Laundromat Dry;
Truth Encounter;
Nuclear Fleecing;
American Warmaking;
Deadbeat Dams;
Who's on Iraq?

Gun Battle With Mendo Deputies Remembered

On an August Saturday night 54 years ago, Mendocino Sheriff’s Deputy Erwin ‘Butch’ Carlstedt was on patrol in downtown Point Arena when he received a…
