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Posts published in August 2014

Hug A Farmer

I am a 21-year-old semi-adult and, being quite interested in me, I think often of my future. I have climbed to the top of youth…

August Adventures

August should be a month of adventure, entertainment and fun. For the last two, readers can't do much better than the Mendocino Theatre Company's production…

Letters (Aug 13, 2014)

I am writing to thank the people of Anderson Valley for their love and support in the aftermath of my recent accident. I am so moved and amazed by the generosity of this community.

I have seen our community come together for others when they have been sick or injured, but it feels different to be on the receiving end of it. So many people have told me that they have been thinking of me, praying for me, pulling for me. So many people have given me money to help pay my medical bills or offered to help in any way they could.

No Tin Foil Hats

It is a strange condition: a historical phenomenon that is potentially a huge, world-changing revelation for mankind is trivialized and ridiculed by US mainstream culture…

Valley People (Aug 13, 2014)

JERRY DIFALCO has died. A long-time resident of the Anderson Valley, Jerry had been in failing health for some time and, at the time of…

Bird’s Eye View (Aug 13, 2014)

Bill Sterling, a keen and pro-active supporter of the Valley’s well-being and progress, writes, “At the CSD board meeting at 5:30 pm on August 20th, I shall make a presentation about the STEM project for which George Lee and I are fund-raising. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Over the next three years the High School will introduce new science electives into the curriculum that utilize custom-designed hardware and software that will enable students to conduct hands-on experiments as an integral, essential part of courses in biology, earth sciences, chemistry and physics.

Grape Growers Congratulate Each Other

Back in 2009 the Grape People realized they needed to do something to counter the relatively small amount of negative publicity they were getting, particularly…
