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Posts published in February 2014

Whale Ho!

I saw it on the CBS Evening News so it had to be true. But all kidding aside, it was, in early November, the feeding…

A Mendolander Flying Over King Arthur’s Court

Sitting in The Black Eagle pub (founded in 1835) yesterday lunchtime, the waitress walked around the lounge with a plate in each hand inquiring who had ordered the two chip sandwiches.

Valley People (Feb 26, 2014)

RESIDENT DEPUTY CRAIG WALKER alerts locals to a couple of mail thefts in the Philo area. Inland areas of the County have been plagued by tweekers rifling roadside mail boxes.

Letters (Feb 26, 2014)

Knowing the problems you have been having with the post office in recent months, I decided last spring to keep an informal log of when my AVA arrived in the mail.

Bad Hat Ranch

James Pasco and Patrick Johnson had an enviable little dope op going on Guidiville Road, Ukiah, featuring nearly 500 marijuana plants, 31 pounds of processed…

Back To The Future

Once again, as in 2010, I've been approached about running against one-term incumbent Dan Hamburg for Fifth District Supervisor. Certainly somebody should run. And I…
