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Posts published in November 2013


Country living requires many things, but one essen­tial is a dog. With plenty of room to roam and the isola­tion of Anderson Valley during my…


Inspired by Greg Ludwig’s story in this week’s paper, I want to express my deepest gratitude to important peo­ple in my heart. For some of…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin. And a Happy “Turkey and Football Day” to all! What a great day.…

River Views

Open enrollment for health insurance under the Affordable Health Care Act began on October 1st. Anthem Blue Cross, California’s largest for-profit health insurance company, sent…

Dancing Flutes

The Bach family’s fascination with, and seminal con­tributions to, the flute repertoire orbits around the musi­cal centers of Dresden and Berlin. It was in these…

Shameless Self-Promotion

In those long ago days when I was invited to read from my novels in bookstores and libraries, and for col­lege audiences and writers groups, I was frequently asked if I had any helpful advice for people who wanted to become writers and make their livings from writing.

The Doris Lessing I Knew

From her obituaries, and the serious critical assess­ments of her work, I hardly recognize the Doris Lessing I knew. I don’t fault the obit writers…

Autumn 1963

Friday, November 22, was going to be my last day of civilian employment in Manhattan, barring a miracle. I was supposed to start basic training…
