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Posts published in October 2013

Mendocino County Today: November 1, 2013

THE PHOTOGRAPH by Steve Ebarhard of Will Parrish being arrested at the Willits bypass protest last month (which accompanies Bruce McEwen’s excellent coverage of Parrish’s…

Mendocino County Today: October 31, 2013

WE ALL KNOW that among us walk the credulous. But credulity is one thing, lunacy another. 5th District supervisor, Dan Hamburg, a former Congressman, has…

Letters To The Editor

WHO IS ERICK GELHAUS? Dear Editor: Enclosed, please find my research from an "Intelius Background Check" on Sonoma County deputy, Erick Gelhaus, who shot 13-year…

Off The Record

DIANE ZUCKER has died. A long time resident of Ukiah, and before Ukiah, Fort Bragg, Diane was perhaps best known as a member of the…

Pirates Best Panthers

It was the 2013 Homecoming Game, and the Anderson Valley Panthers were playing the Point Arena Pirates for the right to play the Mendocino Cardinals…

‘Go East Old Friend, Go East…’

The battle of Gettysburg. Only 150 years ago, humans still in chains, Lee took his army of Northern Virginia into the north, the Union, Pennsylvannia.…

A Person Here, A Person There

I keep forgetting and remembering and forgetting and remembering how things work in this universe for the likes of me, speaking of how best to…

The Organs Of Tobacco Road

The organ is a wind instrument whose bellows are its lungs. There is something ironic, therefore, in the fact that Duke University, a place that flourished thanks to tobacco money, is one the great organ centers in the world.

Homeless Homeboy

Author’s note: What is this anyway? A saga, a story a travelogue? It began as a report on the situation and quickly disintegrated into vignettes…
