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Posts published in March 2013

Monsanto University

Last month the University of California intervened in a high stakes U.S. Supreme Court case on the side of the agribusiness giant Monsanto Company by filing an amicus brief stating that the university would be…

Mendocino County Today: March 6, 2013

IN A BRIEF conversation with Supervisor Pinches on Monday, the Supervisor said the recent study confirming that predators are largely responsible for a reduction in the state's deer herds, is consistent with his views. "For…

Protests Keep CalTrans At Bay

Had it not been for a direct action last week by supporters of The Warbler's tree sit south of Willits, this would have been the week CalTrans and its contractors dispatched crews with chainsaws and…

River Views

On January 7th Fort Bragg police officer Craig Guydan pulled his gun on a group of teens, who turned out to be playing football on the street. Reportedly, Guydan kept the weapon pointed earthward while…

Citizen O’Brien Sues

Dennis C. O’Brien v. County of Mendocino, Raley’s, et al First Cause Of Action: Unlawful Interference With Freedom Of Speech 1. Plaintiff Dennis C. O’Brien is a competent adult and a resident of Mendocino County.…

Greed Redux

“It has always seemed strange to me…the things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed,…

Propaganda & Poison At The Oscars

Seth MacFarlane claimed in his opening monologue that this year’s Oscars adopted for the first time ever a theme — “the wedding of film and music” as he put it. The spectacle that followed the…
