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Posts published in September 2012

Sunday At The French Laundry

Two days, two hours each day re-dialing, letting the phone ring at the French Laundry. Finally a voice at the other end. A recorded voice anyway, telling me how to go about making a reservation at the French Laundry.

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Belated (perhaps) Happy Birthdays this month to both Neil Darling and Gloria…

Big Timber

My occasional trips into the Valley pass the Redwood Empire Mill near Cloverdale, and I can’t help but look at the log deck and contrast it with the log decks of 50 years ago.

Bad Bugs Biting Back

Writers and filmmakers have long liked apocalyptic stories. In the last century the dominant cause of the end of humanity became a nuclear holocaust, but a giant asteroid hitting Earth has also been popular. And then there are those pesky zombies. That's science fiction — so far — but out in the real world, it might well be that the most likely cause of our specie's demise will be a microscopic bug we cannot defeat, and that we vanish, or vastly diminish, not with a bang but a whimper.

Sheep Dog Trials 2012

When asked a few years ago if he had any ambitions or goals, Yorkville shepherd, Kevin Owens, replied, “Well, I’m not a very ambitious type…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Efren Mendoza

A memorial celebrating the life of Efren Mendoza was held at the Senior Center/Veterans’ Hall in Boonville last Saturday afternoon. About 80 people showed up…

‘Reefer Madness’ In Mexico

The conventional wisdom is that marijuana prohibition was first imposed early in the 20th century in the southwestern United States by sheriffs seeking to increase…


“More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let…

Off The Record

BLISS FISHER has been suspended from her job as Mendocino County's Director of Animal Care Services. No one is saying why Fisher has been suspended.…
