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Posts published in August 2012

Mendocino County Today: August 3, 2012

CORRECTION: In the AVA of July 18th, civil court bailiff Marty McCue was confused with an unruly spectator. We regret the error, which was committed…

Mendocino County Today: August 2, 2012

GORE VIDAL has died at age 86. He was a populist in the old sense of the term, in that he always tried to represent…

Mendocino County Today: August 1, 2012

HIGHWAY ONE north of Fort Bragg was closed Tuesday for a photo shoot for an Audi car ad. Burrito Productions of El Segundo clicked away…

Letters To The Editors

THE SUPERINTENDENT’S PROTOCOL To ICO Reporter Chris McManus: It is unfortunate you didn't attend the board meeting in Manchester in May for my interview process.…

River Views

Quicker fellows than me at the AVA noted online in the July 14th “Mendocino County Today” (“Mendocino County Today” appears in the AVA’s print version…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. A significant event this coming weekend in the Valley is the celebration…

Jehovah’s Witness

A friend recently wrote to me about his philosophical discussions with a Jehovah’s Witness, and his letter brought back boatloads of memories of my friend…

The Arraignment Of Jose Gutierrez

“Not guilty,” said Jose Gutierrez on Friday, July 13, when Magistrate Judge Donna Ryu asked how he was pleading to the felony charge of assaulting…

The Manufactured Crisis

To understand how this scandal came about and why it may well shape the future of state parks, we have to have a plan where to dig for the basic facts (“artifacts” if you like)
