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Posts published in August 2012

Thundercloud Gambini Goes To War

When Mr. Anthony Gambini of 24234 Buckeye Circle in Willits declared war on the United States he was the only one in town who noticed.…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings! If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. It was a very fond farewell party at the Philo Post Office last Tuesday as…

The Vineyards Of Redwood Valley

Back in the 80ʼs Bob Klindt responded to an ad in a home winemaker newsletter that listed Redwood Valley Chenin Blanc for sale. By 2010…

Off The Record

BILLY MAYFIELD, formerly of Willits, will be out of prison by Friday. Sentenced in 1985 to 17-to-life for the murder of Mark Snyder, also of…

Mendocino County Today: August 7, 2012

EXPLAIN TO ME, SOMEONE, why this thing needs a taxpayer sign off? The Supervisors have signed a deal that sells $10 mil in state bonds…

Mendocino County Today: August 6, 2012

HOW MANY of Mendo’s 700 or so members of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) (mostly County employees) know that SEIU is considered by many critics…

Mendocino County Today: August 5, 2012

THE HIDEOUS McDONALD'S that greets Ukiah's visitors at the 101 off and on ramps at North Orchard and East Perkins will be replaced by a…

Alexander Cockburn, 1941-2012

I last saw him in person a year ago in San Francisco. He looked thin and drawn but, as always, he was in good spirits.…

Mendocino County Today: August 4, 2012

MR. ED SANDER clarifies State Parks' plan to remove the old haul road south of Ten Mile River, Fort Bragg. Editor, Since the State got…
