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Posts published in August 2012

Mendocino County Today: September 1, 2012

KARIN WANDREI, recently appointed Assistant HHSA (Health and Human Services Agency) Director and Social Services branch director sent the following terse email last week to…

Mendocino County Today: August 31, 2012

THE US FOREST SERVICE AND CALFIRE  don’t expect full containment of the Pass Fire, still in vigorous flame northeast of Covelo, until Monday, September 10th.…

Mendocino County Today: August 30, 2012

AN APPARENT wind shift caused smoke from the rampaging Pass Fire northeast of Covelo to blanket much of Mendocino County, including smoke so thick in…

Letters To The Editor

AARON BASSLER Letter to the Editor As an extremely frustrated father and community member I feel the District Attorney’s report on the police shooting of…

Underachievers, Please Try Harder

Up A Twee: When feeling sad in a natural way, which is about 99% of the time since the Dodgers traded for Adrian Gonzalez and…

That’ll Be Fine

Doug Fine paid a return visit to Mendonesia last weekend promoting his latest book and lending support to some of the individuals and organizations he chronicled while living in Mendocino County, as he followed the cannabis industry from seed to patient.

River Views

This edition of the AVA hits the streets on August 29th; on the same day in 1892 traveling salesman Whitcomb Judson was issued a patent…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Is there a tastier and more succulent whole bbq’d chicken in the…

Let’s Count Our Blessings On Labor Day

OK, it's time to celebrate Labor Day, time to celebrate the labor movement that won a wide range of benefits for working people. That includes,…
