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Posts published in April 2012

Letters To The Editor

CHRIS DIAZ'S COERCED PLEA “They had me locked in seg… coerced into doing things I would not normally have done.” — Chris Diaz, letter from…

Mendocino County Today: April 12, 2012

RARELY do we celebrate County appointments, but we're pleased to see Karen Wandrei appointed to the second-in-command position at the Welfare (aka Health & Human…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Well, good readers, it’s good to be back from the “real world”!…

Farm To Farm

I was barefoot, shirtless, soaking in the sun while my eyes tried to focus on the spindly carrot sprouts protruding from warm sand, deliberating to…

Off The Hook

Recreational salmon fishing opened on the California coast from Horse Mountain in Humboldt County to the U.S./Mexico border on Saturday with good fishing reported by…

Toxic Sugar Politics

Every morning I put about half a teaspoon of sugar in my coffee. Then I usually do that again. And I love it. That is…

He Touched Me

Reading Bruce McEwen’s tragic Hug A Kid, Go To Jail, I thought, “My God, there but for the grace of luck and chance and (in my system of belief) the intervention of angels, I, too, might have been arrested for child molestation and been sent to prison and labeled a sex offender for the rest of my life — on several different occasions. What? How?

Speed Bumps Before A Brick Wall

New state regulations require that most diesel trucks and buses in California be upgraded to reduce particulate and nitrogen-oxide emissions. Heavier trucks must be retrofitted…
