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Posts published in April 2012

River Views

The January 26th edition of The Mendocino Beacon ran a story headlined “Fort Bragg ax attacker convicted.” What readers may have missed is that the…

NFL Headhunters

When the recording of New Orleans’ Defensive Coordinator Gregg Williams’ pre-game speech to his defensive unit about injuring specific players before they played the SF…

Off The Record

RARELY do we celebrate County appointments, but we're pleased to see Karen Wandrei appointed to the second-in-command position at the Welfare (aka Health & Human…

Mendocino County Today: April 18, 2012

THIS JUST IN: Third District Supervisor John Pinches reportedly suffered a significant heart attack last weekend and was recovering in Howard Memorial Hospital in Willits…

Mendocino County Today: April 17, 2012

“KEEP THE CODE!” The neighbors who organized to fight the Harris Quarry focused on defeating the zoning code amendment that would allow location of an…

Mendocino County Today: April 16, 2012

STATE PARKS is running a legal advertisement in the Ukiah Daily Journal that says the state is “accepting proposals for five year contracts to maintain…

Mendocino County Today: April 15, 2012

SALUD, NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK! "Freedom to read," is the slogan, although book culture is seriously on the wane, book culture defined the old way as…

Mendocino County Today: April 14, 2012

ACCORDING to Linda Williams of the Willits News, Mendocino County is a lot richer than we look, with a reported gross income for 2010 of…

Mendocino County Today: April 13, 2012

BIG BOXES spawn hate groups — Everyone and their mother’s brother emailed this to the Humboldt Herald. A report from Science News Online finds Hate…
