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Posts published in April 2012

When Love Has Fled

Funny how domestic abuse can coincide with tax time.

An estranged couple by the name of Dolan has three or more kids between ’em, and one half of the former couple has been on an above-the-table payroll all year, so there’s a big refund check in the mail box any day now.

The Bari Scam Rolls On

Given the choice, I'd prefer the real Stalinism over the hippie version prevalent on the Northcoast, no better example of which was Monday night's (April…

River Views

The main office of Mendocino Redwood Company in Calpella contains a concrete enclosed room referred to as “the vault.” Along the wall opposite the vault’s…

Off The Record

CALTRANS has been ordered by a federal judge to correct its carelessly drafted environmental analysis that would widen and realign Highway 101 through the ancient…

Valley People

GWEN SIDWELL of Boonville has died at age 88. A long-time resident of the Anderson Valley, Mrs. Sidwell had been married to Bill Rapp, for…

The Temples Of Baseball

Baseball season again. Time to re-enter the temples of baseball. Temples? Yes, temples. To most people, baseball is merely a game. But to some others,…

More Brews & Booze From Around the Globe

I previously served up a short listing of alcoholic beverages of the world — and I’m glad I’m merely writing about so much booze. For…

The Secret Belt

There I was up on stage with my four teammates in front of the entire student body being praised by my coach for qualifying to…

A Little Revival

About 20 years ago, I reached a fork in the road. It was time to either commit to the small town, join the family business…
