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Posts published in March 2012

Mendocino County Today: March 25, 2012

THE POINT ARENA City Council will meet Monday at 3:15 in closed session cryptically described as “Conference With Legal Counsel-Anticipated/Existing Litigation SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (B) OF SECTION 54956.9: (1 CASE/LABOUBE).” Mr.…

Mendocino County Today: March 24, 2012

ED NOTE: If you know nothing about the Bari interlude than these two facts, you won't be bamboozled by Darryl Cherney's latest chapter in a 22-year-old cover-up: The “mystery” can be solved by matching the…

Mendocino County Today: March 23, 2012

THE FOLLOWING notice was sent out to Mendocino County employees today (Thursday) by County CEO Carmel Angelo: “Over the past few months, we have identified some key areas to improve upon. Communication is number one.…

Judi Knew Mike Bombed Her

Judi Knew Mike Bombed Her by Crawdad Nelson (Ed note: Darryl Cherney is in the news lately for a hagiographic, and thoroughly dishonest, film he's made called ‘Who Bombed Judi Bari.’ Steve Talbot, who went…

Letters To The Editor

A QUIZ FOR CHEESE-BRO Editor, "Hales Grove" Road Number one. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of its abandonment, 1962. Several years ago I read a book entitled "What's the Matter with Kansas?" by Thomas Frank. It…

The Sound Of Shellac

The man credited with convincing the global consumers that it is worth the effort and money and environmental degradation to condense their music libraries onto a matchbook-sized (or somewhat larger) gadget has announced his retirement.…

Massacre Fatigue In Afghanistan

In the wake of the lethal rampage by a US staff sergeant who killed 16 Afghans in the early hours of March 11, the Taliban have put a halt to talks with the Americans and…
