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Posts published in December 2011

Farm To Farm

“Never go in Kincaid Holler after dark,” they always warned us. The Kincaids reinforced the frightened prejudices of the German farmers. From the other side…

Occupy State Parks?

David Gurney, independent journalist, slammed the state of California's winter closure of Sugarloaf Ridge State Park in Sonoma County — and pondered whether state parks…

Feds Win A Pot Ruling

A series of lawsuits have been filed by medical marijuana advocates attempting to halt an ongoing federal crackdown on dispensaries and a ruling last week…

Falling Behind

“If we weren’t still hiring great people and pushing ahead at full speed, it would be easy to fall behind and become a mediocre company.”…

Snipping The Bud

In an old, shingled house not far from the center of town, the trim crew hunkered over trays in the living room, snipping away at…

Strange Bongfellows

Newt's back! Well, he is as of this moment, but perhaps not for long. This week's Republican frontrunner at least outshines all the other erstwhile…

Jobless In Wonderland

Finding a job is hard enough for the many millions of unemployed American workers. But, believe it or not, the fact that they are jobless…

The Judge Takes A Powder

It was Wednesday for us, doomsday for Christopher “Chris” Diaz, the 22-year-old Mendocino man wanted in Texas for possession of an half-ounce of marijuana and “bail…
