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Posts published in September 2011

One Played & Won; Two Canceled!

The report below speaks of football when to some readers it means soccer, or perhaps futbol to others. Last Wednesday afternoon, the Panthers were well prepared…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all - if you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Update from the AVA’s Supreme Leader Bruce Anderson, who has been…

Wrecked! Greatest Mendo Maritime Disaster!

After easing into the harbor and finding the loading chutes occupied, the Cabot’s captain decided to put to sea and wait out the choppy water.…

Amsterdam Holiday

I boarded Delta Flight 80 from New York to Amsterdam in First Class thanks to a gifted buddy pass from an ex-girlfriend-gone-lesbian that keeps me…

Populist For A Day

Did you catch Obama’s populist twitch? The moment when he tossed aside the stifling cloak of compromise, and like Joshua before the walls of Jericho…

Letters To The Editor

UNTHINKABLE BEDFELLOWS Editor, The headline for Debra Keipp’s letter last week (AVA, 9/21/2011) could more accurately have been “Hallucinatory Bedfellows.” Miss Keipp seems to have…

Welcome To Hell

Dear Editor, Tehachapi State Prison. Thanks so much for the subscription the last eight months. It's really helped keep me in touch with the outside…
