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Posts published in June 2011

Supervisor Hamburg Is Upset

The last two meetings of the Board of Supervisors, June 14 and June 21, were spent fine tuning the Ukiah Valley Area Plan, a fundamentally…

Clean Water For Indians

The local marijuana community is ecstatic over the DA’s dropping of pot charges against Mark and Dana Wuerfel. If you came in late the Wuerfels…

Off The Record

This Week: A new press release reader at KZYX; mystery meat & baseball in San Francisco; Norman Solomon for congress; and much more

Valley People

THE ABSOLUTE BEST entertainment deal you're going to get anywhere in Mendocino County that night occurs on Saturday, July 16th right here at the Boonville…

Nail That Coffin Shut!

How many nails does it require to whack down for­ever the coffin lid on European social democracy? Lenin, outraged in 1914 at the sight of…

Oop Boppa Loop Moppa Toppa

Readers may recall that the County’s budget process simply orders all departments to simply cut their budgets by a fixed amount. Three budget units were…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to our Valley Seniors with birthdays in June…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Ben Van Zandt

Following a very large gathering for the latest Van Zandt family wedding at the family’s resort on the outskirts of Philo on Rays Road, I…

Man Down

Last week, in an incident that didn't get much attention in the national news, a man named Tom Ball set himself on fire in front…
