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Posts published in March 2011

Make No Mistake

Taking in Charles Ferguson's excellent documentary, Inside Job, about the dark doings of Wall Street in our time, I confess I was awestruck all over…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. First up I must offer apologies on behalf of Gloria Ross and…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Bill Harper

A couple of Saturdays ago, and in a significant break with ’tradition’, Bill somehow managed to get an invite to my house to do his…

The Play’s The Thing

“More relative than this—the play's the thing / Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King.” — William Shakespeare Yes, it will only be a…

Cruzin’ For A Bust

  It has taken more than a year just to get to the preliminary hearing in the Juda and Hugo Cruz case. Juda is the…

Valley People

DEPUTY SQUIRES will be honored by the Sheriff's Department as “Deputy of the Year” at the Elk's Lodge, Ukiah, this Saturday night, an honor well-deserved…

Off The Record

This Week: Return to Jonestown & the Bari Bombing; a Westport weed battle; Aanestad & the KZYX nambo-pambos; and much more
