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Posts published in September 2010

Fair Play For Big Wine

If you entered the word “wine” into the Santa Rosa Press Democrat’s website search tool on September 30, 2010, you’d get 14,388 hits as of…

Valley People

5-YEAR-OLD Leslie Bucio Solano of Philo has been diagnosed with leukemia. This Saturday Oct. 2nd 4-11 PM at the Philo Grange there will be a…

When Life Isn’t A Video Game

We live in a politically correct world. We don’t refer to people in derogatory terms anymore. We don’t call people eejits, and we are especially…

Oversight Might Be Blind

Valley voters last year grudgingly passed a bond issue worth $15.25 million dollars to fix up our 50-year-old schools. The money does not come without…

Letters to the Editor

ABUSED & HAUNTED Editor, Lifting the lid on Fort Bragg Elder abuse: I have been the e-victim of mental elder abuse from slumlordies (M/F) three…

Panther Soccer 2010

Last Wednesday afternoon (Sept 22nd), against Santa Rosa against Roseland Prep — arguably the league’s strongest team — the Panthers were greeted with the usual…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Following my exploits at the Fair I will keep it relatively brief…

Jewels Of Silent Film Music

There are few things worth giving up a perfect fall after­noon in Upstate New York for, but Buster Keaton’s The Cameraman with live music is…
