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Posts published in August 2010

Letters to the Editor

WHY WAS GREENFIELD RAIDED? Editor, The federal DEA raid 7/7/10 of Joy Greenfield's col­lective, “Light the Way,” magnifies the critical juncture where medical marijuana legalization…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. I have little to report this week as I had a short break…

Ode To Air Conditioning

Willis Haviland Carrier invented modern air condi­tioning in 1902. Although Mr. Carrier probably doesn't deserve a national holiday, an occasional moment of silence in his…


“What at first was plunder assumed the softer name of revenue.” — Thomas Paine A mile inland from Highway One, the Comptche-Ukiah Road becomes a…

Farm To Farm

The frigid summer trough held steady over this valley as of the weekend, with my neighbors' crops of white corn from Michuacan barely busting out…

Land Of Many Abuses

Skuntown/Willits — Mark Scaramella’s report on the County Supervisors August 3 meeting in Covelo was right on target — a reality-based, bullshit detecting analysis in…
