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Posts published in July 2010

The Thanksgiving Coffee Fire

Fire has been a “cleanser” in Mendocino County ever since Mendocino's Chinatown was torched in the bad old days. In the 1970s there were the…

Woot, Woot!

Somehow, losing the world should have been harder, but much of the ride was exhilarating, even fun. It feels like this to be in the…

Social Security

“The government of my country snubs honest simplic­ity, but fondles artistic villainy, and I think I might have developed into a very capable pickpocket if…

What Is It?

The New York Times ran a story of curious import this morning: “MEL GIBSON LOSES SUPPORT ABROAD.” Well, gosh, that's disappointing. And just when we…

Lemos v. Cruiser

My good friend and former colleague Don Cruiser and I have different opinions on the California Marine Life Protection Act of 1999.

Five Questions for Tom Allman

Will the Sheriff's Office create and post comprehensive written medical marijuana guidelines to deputies to be used in the training of deputies about common encounters between law enforcement and qualified patients at the gardensite, i.e., a primary point of friction?

Those Wild Pot Tax Revenue Guesses

How do you estimate the commercial value of Mendo Mellow? What do you count? Plants? Processed bud? It's a bit like counting grains of sand on the beach.

Stage Fright

Lauren's Restaurant should be packed to the rafters this Saturday night when Nahara, Boonville's fledgling songbird and healing arts masseuse, takes the stage for her…
