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Posts published in June 2010

Letters to the Editor

THE TAO OF NOW Editor, When isn't the United States of America at war? The Taoist ethic says, “Arms are the instruments of unhappi­ness, not…

Reggae Rising Gets Last Chance

Faced with debts to police agencies, Reggae Rising owner Tom Dimmick came to the June 17 Planning Commission meeting with certified checks in hand but it’s uncertain if he’ll be able to meet the county’s permit requirements by a new July 1 deadline.

MLPA: The Privatization Of Ocean Management

Writer Beth Werner claims, "Most people have heard of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) in one way or another, but there seems to be…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. How was your Sierra Nevada World Music Festival? Apparently most Valley residents…

The Tube & I

“But we’re watching Speed Racer,” my three- and four-year-old sons whined in unison. My blood ran cold, as I realized the awful truth. TV had…

England Expects

Sooner or later during any international football com­petition in which England features we are sure to hear some variation on “England expects,” the reference being…
