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Posts published in June 2010

Martin Gardner Trivia

When I worked at Scientific American in the 1960s, mail addressed to Martin Gardner (no relation) some­times wound up on my desk. The author of…

High Times Puts on a White Coat

High Times magazine sponsored the original “Canna­bis Cup” in Amsterdam in 1987. The event inspired plant breeders and publicized their strains and their seed com­panies.…

Writing Good

I daresay creativity cannot be taught. Creativity can be engendered, encouraged, cultivated, and supported, but being creative is as natural as breathing, and so to…


They murdered the jockey within 48 hours. It took two weeks before a hiker found the trainer downstream from a hunting cabin in Idaho with…

Celebrating The 4th With The Enemy

The Fourth of July, as we all know, is Independence Day. Hurray for George Washington and the revolution­aries, down with King George and the British.…

Whacking The Sheriff’s Budget

On June 15 the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors whacked the Sheriff’s Department $2 million. Two million. The vote was 4-1, McCowen dissenting.

Off the Record

This week: The mythical Willits bypass, the problem with the Supes, the PD on Boaz and much more.

Valley People

WITH THE VOTE certified late Monday afternoon, we learned that Measure A, the $15.25 million bond to rehab Boonville's school buildings, was approved by almost…
