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Posts published in April 2010

Meet The Guild Artists

It's been said that Mendocino County with its population of just under 90,000 souls, has more art­ists per capita than any other county in California…

Farm To Farm

As far back as I can remember, birthdays have always spelled trouble for me. The minute I ever woke up I started misbehaving. These days…

Yes on Measure A

The Boonville schools are falling down. They are half a century old, erected long before the computer and energy technologies that modern education has come…

Father Knows Best

You could call them the Courthouse Players. Their repertory changes every day and fresh talent? An annual cast of thousands! The Mendocino County Courthouse stages…

Valley People

ON SUNDAY, April 25, after hearing equipment operating nearby for several days, some long-time owners of property on the Nash Ranch asked an able bodied…

Off the Record

This week: Montgomery Woods keeps growing, Glen McGourty's conflict of interest, Humboldt's illegal sub-divisions and much more...

Pain in the Ass or Victim of the State?

David Gurney, “independent video journalist” and enemy of all things MLPA, was arrested last week at a Marine Life Protection Act meeting in Fort Bragg for “disrupting a legal assembly.”
