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Posts published in March 2010

Carrying a Backpack of Sorrow: Soldiers On The Edge Of Suicide

More of our young soldiers are now killing them selves than are being killed in our wars in the Middle East. The following poem by a 24-year-old former Marine, who slashed his wrists twice after four years of duty and two tours of combat, tells it all.

Great Moments In Public Deliberation

Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Meeting, March 23, 2010. Subject: Earthquake insurance for the courthouse. Cost: About $85k for a policy that covers up $50…

Drinking the Wicked Bari Brew – Again

Twenty years later I should know better. But I can’t stop myself. I’m going to partake of the wicked Bari brew, knowing a nasty hangover…

Marauding Bears & Abalone Poachers

Board Chair Carre Brown introduced newly promoted CEO Carmel Angelo last week by saying, “This will be your first report in the official position.” That…

Bruce McEwen on Green Door v. V’Canto

Moving west to Fort Bragg, when I first learned that the renowned sculptor Dan Hemann had been savaged by the brutal spaghetti vendor Jim “Muttface”…

Marie, Perry’s Garage & The Fairy Ranch

The Ukiah Valley Medical Center is being sued for malpractice. The plaintiff is a woman named Marie. We will spare Marie further agony by fully…
