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Posts published in January 2010

Letters to the Editor 1/27/2010

AB WATCH GOES GLOCK AVA: She's full of duty! I hope Ms. Woolsey will be issued her very own uniform, badge, radio, and Glock 40…

Jail Mail

Editor, A blessing in disguise! Do I have any friends? I’d like to know. / Because the friends that I have they hurt me so.…

A Richly Deserved Humiliation

Republican Scott Brown takes over a seat held by the Kennedy family for over half a century and the dark cloud already hovering over Obama's…

And Then There Were 31

Out of the many often clamorous voices that have defined the Northcoast MLPA process, Fish and Game has chosen 31 to rep them all.

Mendo Media

My uncle, the late 5th District Supervisor Joe Scaramella, was an avid reader all his life. He described the county’s media during his tour in…

Facebook & Football

Due to the modern miracle (or curse) that is the Internet, and due to one of its miraculous (or demonic) offshoots, Facebook, an invention which…

Bird’s Eye View by Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. The much-needed rains continue and it’s very, very muddy out there but so…

Blue Skies & Greywater

This summer Arnold Schwarzenegger mandated the legalization of greywater under emergency drought measures (his best deed ever). The Department of Housing and Community Development wrote the new emergency code. With a few changes it has just been made permanent.
