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Posts published in February 2008

Martin Mileck’s Potter Valley Dump

As a public service, and as a guide to how Mendocino County and its haphazard media phlegmatically conspire to bamboozle the public let's deconstruct a…

Culture Notes

A reader writes: "I was enjoying my weekly hit but what to my amazement my wandering eyes should appear — 'I drove off to where…

Rusty Norvell, 1930-2008

The last time I saw Rusty was the Friday after the first big January storm. He hadn't had any electricity for several days. His place…

Personal Encounters With The Homeless

Three winters ago, the county of Mendocino put up a big tent next door to the Fort Bragg Police Department. The idea was to get the homeless out of the rain because the town's sole shelter, Hospitality House, was full up, and tends to stay full up, winter and summer, because it's the only one the length of Mendocino's very long coast.
