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Posts published in January 2004

A View from the Right

When I ordered my last group of remaindered books from Edward R. Hamilton, I included one called “Death of the West,” thinking it had to…

Stars of Lake County

Regular readers of the Clearlake Record-Bee are certain to be familiar with the paper's sponsorship of the Stars of Lake County awards, the annual event…

March on Washington

1963. August 1st, San Francisco North Beach. I met up with a guy named Sky King. He wore all black and a long cape with…

The Fog of Cop-Out

My dear friend and late Nation colleague Andrew Kopkind liked to tell how, skiing in Aspen at the height of the Vietnam War, he came…

Train Trekking to the Great White Bears

It all started out because I'm married to a man who likes long train trips. Really long train trips. In the past five years we've traveled 17,000…

Martin Luther King: Terrorist

Let's not mince words. Were Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. alive today, he would be at risk for being imprisoned indefinitely, without charges or access…

Johnny Diaz

I sometimes think the greatest thing we got from Puerto Rico was Johnny Diaz. Of course, there was Raul Triaz. He was and still is…

Gooch and the Big Hotel

“I can’t believe it,” Gooch said, after swinging open the polished door to his hotel room. “Imagine you and me, both right here.” I hadn’t…

Mystic Miles

The big Yurok — 6’5”, 270 pounds — standing for the first time in the light rain on the high bluff over Requa which overlooks…
