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Posts published in October 2003

A Few Hundred Bucks Will Get Some Attention

Rest assured, nothing is going to be done about this, but the news is still worth some cogitation. The new figures are out, and they…

My First Day in Berlin Last Spring

I took the prescription sleeping pills before take-off but slept only in the thinnest intervals, perhaps one hour out of eight. This was to prove…

Them Bums

Early in the 1947 baseball season; the season Jackie Robinson broke in; a sweet spring evening in New Jersey; I turned on our under the…

The Alaska Railroad

It was a late summer afternoon in Anchorage, Alaska. Dale and I were outside, in the backyard of the small house we rented. We lived…

Rush to Judgment

Was Rush Limbaugh high when he said, “There's nothing good about drug use. It destroys individuals’ families, societies, some might say this country. And we…
