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Posts published in July 2002

No More Mrs. Nice Guy

The first story I ever wrote was about a racehorse. His name was Stubs. He was a short, scrubby horse with a broom tail and…

Bari Juror Speaks

Last week, Judge Claudia Wilken lifted the gag order she had placed on the jury that awarded Darryl Cherney and the estate of Judi Bari…

We Will Miss GP

Fort Bragg will miss GP because their money is good. If you know the timber industry history of landowners not getting paid for logs; millworkers,…

Kovel’s Challenge

In his 2000 presidential campaign, Joel Kovel ran to the left of Ralph Nader. Just as Nader’s campaign was purely symbolic in the context of money-driven politics...

Love in the Wrong Place with the Wrong Man

I went into Synanon in 1964. My husband Oscar Johnson went to prison. I had a big habit. Synanon, for those who don’t know, was…

Draining the Heart of Fort Bragg

At first, American lumbermen were mystified when Chinese laborers gathered the slime-covered gastropods from the cove where schooners moored to load Union Lumber Company products.…
