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Posts published in March 2002

Tipping in America

Tip-skimming has surfaced in Boston, and there can’t be a tipper in America who, on hearing the news, doesn’t exclaim, “The greedy bastards!” In a…

Let’s Play 162

So, why is baseball wonderful? Certainly, not because George Will and George W. pretend to be fans. Not on account of any of the hackneyed…

Making Noise

This morning, as I drove into Boonville for my cup of tea at Glad's, most of the vineyards had their sprinklers going full blast protecting…

The Mother of All Drug Meetings

“The Goal of this forum …is to become informed about the production, distribution and use of methamphetamines, and to develop action groups that will lead…to…

Dear Luisa

In the Saturday edition of the Record-Bee there's a letter to the editor from Luisa Acosta, a Finley resident who shares her concerns about the…

Marin County and the Permissive Society

Like John Walker Lindh I grew up in posh, left-leaning Marin County and joined an authoritarian cult that methodically killed thousands of my fellow Americans.…

Red Desert

Wilderness is something you fight for, so said Bob Marshall, a founder (1935) of the Wilderness Society. How's the fight going? How are we doing?…


With so many conspiracy theories floating around, along with facts and verifiable evidence, to speak of another conspiracy is to tumble into the land of…

When Billy Graham Planned To Kill One Million People

There’s a piquant contrast in the press coverage across the decades of Billy Graham’s various private dealings with Nixon, as displayed on the tapes gradually…
