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Posts published in March 1999

Banker Dunham as Metaphor

Banker Norman Clow takes a bit of umbrage at Part I of “Fort Bragg Fires” where the AVA outlined Savings Bank Manager Bill Dunham's predatory…


When I worked for the American Petroleum Institute (the AMA of Big Oil) I was asked to evaluate a “documentary” on the smog in Los…

The China Trade

One of the most enduring farces in American foreign policy has been underway in China this week: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright allegedly engaging in…


In 1968, on the interstate just outside of Fayetteville, North Carolina, stood a billboard depicting a Ku Klux Klansman in full regalia atop a rearing…

The Wall

“The Wall” in Washington DC is a sacred place to Vietnam veterans. Built with private funds and spearheaded by ex-enlisted man Jan Scruggs, it represents…
