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Posts published in November 1997

Brooktrails Buyers Beware!

Deerwood Corporation is running a sleazy real estate scam, targeting unsuspecting Bay Area immigrants by selling them undeveloped lots in Brooktrails at hugely inflated prices.…

Off the Top (Nov. 12, 1997)

MENDO COUNTY’S liberals must have been too busy thinking globally to act locally election day. Except for David Colfax’s easy return victory to another four…

Northern California Tragedies

The harvest sun slips behind the hills surrounding the Shodakai Casino on the Coyote Valley Rancheria where, in a walnut grove, Wailaki Indian Eugene “Bear”…

Letter to Michael Moore

Dear Michael, You probably thought to yourself, with that blend of self-righteous self-pity you have made your own, that when Mugger had sharp things to…

Letter to Michael Moore

Dear Michael, You probably thought to yourself, with that blend of self-righteous self-pity you have made your own, that when Mugger had sharp things to…

My Kind of Campground

I recently spent a few days tent camping at Buckeye campground. Located about eight miles upstream of Bridgeport on the sunrise side of the Sierra,…
