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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (July 27, 2016)

As I read the recent article about the upcoming ballot measure regarding mental health services, I find myself both excited and worried.

It is absolutely time for Mendocino County to once again have an in-patient psychiatric unit. But it would be an absolute mistake for the County to operate it.

Letters (July 20, 2016)

Brian Hurt of Grist Creek Aggregates is currently negotiating with the Mendocino Air Quality Management District to resume rubberized asphalt production on Outlet Creek in Longvale.

Letters (July 13, 2016)

I found out late last night that due to a lack of ticket sales and substantial sponsorship our producer Chad Rea is cancelling the Cannabis Country Fair. We apologize for the late notice, but he continued the effort until the last possible moment only to reach an impasse.

Letters (July 6, 2016)

The power elites own the two political parties in the United States. To control the outcome of an election, at the voter level, they deploy two main strategies to motivate the voters. The Republicans promote hatred, the Democrats promote fear.

Letters (Jun 29, 2016)

The giant old-growth stumps still standing within the 300 acres of the new Dogwood Timber Harvest Plan slated for the Gualala River have a story to tell. They are the grim reminders of a history of unsustainable forest management that began with the cutting of these redwood giants over a century ago.

Letters (Jun 22, 2016)

Wow, I was just told of your recent pieces concerning my marriage to county supervisor Dan Hamburg! Your source must be someone very close to Dan, to judge from the detailed information provided.

Letters (Jun 15, 2016)

As an AVA contributing journalist and a Measure V ballot proponent I would like to personally thank the voters who recognized public safety is more important than a lumber company’s desire to make more money.

Letters (Jun 8, 2016)

A part of the Russian Gulch State Park is imperiled by plans for a new waste transfer station. The Revised Environmental Impact Report for the Central Coast Solid Waste Transfer Station is based on a land swap between the County, Jackson Demonstration State Forest (JDSF) and Russian Gulch State Park.

Letters (Jun 1, 2016)

Measure V is a public safety ordinance written and supported by local experienced firefighters and others in our community. Retired CalFire Air Attack Captain Kirk Van Patten is a primary proponent of Measure V and worked for 40 years for CalFire.

Letters (May 25, 2016)

At the Hospital Planning meeting on Tuesday, the proposal was made to close Labor and Delivery at our hospital.

If you know younger members of the community, especially our young women, many of whom have returned to the Coast and opened businesses, this is the time for them step in and demand to be heard on this issue.

Letters (May 18, 2016)

First of all, I'm not against medical marijuana or the eventual legalization of recreational use of such drug. What I am against is the lax zoning ordinances that have permitted the cultivation of large crops growing in close proximity to my property. I live in a large rural area of Fortuna that is zoned for agriculture. When I think of agriculture, I imagine hay, cattle and the type of foods that will be sold at our local farmers market.
