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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (July 25, 2018)

My perception is that your paper is out of balance. Not withstanding the need to report on local politics, you print far too many letters and articles about crime and criminals. You have far too few articles about national issues, especially when these days the nation is going fascist in a hurry.

Letters (July 18, 2018)

The Mendocino County Planning & Building Department is issuing a building permit for the construction of a 122 unit storage facility in the heart of “downtown” Redwood Valley.

Letters (July 11, 2018)

There is a “spirited” debate about the proposed Drinking Water and Sewer projects going on now on the Facebook group: “You Know You’re From Anderson Valley When…” and as there is confusion and misinformation stoking strong feelings, I thought it would be good to ask …

Letters (July 4, 2018)

I was sitting out in my yard on Sunday about noon with an eagle eye out for smoke because Comptche is nearly a bomb ready to explode if we get a fire in this area with the wind blowing the way it is and as dry as it is and people all off away fighting fires.

Letters (June 27, 2018)

Recently those traveling through the city of Ukiah have been given a glimpse of what “City Staff” thinks is best for those of us who drive a car through the middle of Ukiah will be in the near future.

Letters (June 20, 2018)

An important event for the future of parks on the coast is coming up on June 28th. The Mendocino Coast Recreation and Parks District will hold a Public Forum addressing the use of the Regional Park (2 miles out Hwy 20 at Summers Lane) at Cotton Auditorium from 6:30-8:30 pm. Concerned citizens and residents are encouraged to attend and express their interests in use of the Park. This is the only large park owned by the District, which includes the whole Mendocino Coast, and has been underutilized and abused for many years.

Letters (June 13, 2018)

Your coverage on cannabis is tilted in an extremely negative direction, no pretense of objectivity, and you don't make up for the imbalance by including coverage from critics like me. Am I too radical? My work is as vital as the professor's.

Letters (June 6, 2018)

I am highly concerned regarding the direction the Measure B committee is taking. I was asked last year to support Measure B. I was told the process would start with identifying what services are needed and then move on to what type of facility to build.

Letters (May 30, 2018)

Mendocino Coast District Hospital serves a population which is mostly Medicare, Medicaid or uninsured. Privately insured patients are rare. Reimbursement rates are set by the feds and cannot be changed to reflect actual cost of services provided. The hospital has to stay staffed regardless of how many beds are filled. This is why rural hospitals are closing. They’re not being paid according to cost and they have no power to be so paid. It’s not due to improper management!
