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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (April 25, 2018)

I disagree with the plan to consolidate three county services — the libraries, the county museum, and parks — into one Cultural Services Agency. The reasons given for this plan seem rather limp, such as to “provide greater access across all demographics to information, cultural resources, etc.”

Letters (April 18, 2018)

Since Michelle Hutchins, our current superintendent at Anderson Valley Unified School District, is running for Mendocino County Superintendent of Schools, we feel it is necessary to provide the community with some information. The teachers and support staff of Anderson Valley Unified have issued a Vote of No Confidence with the AVUSD Board of Directors.

Letters (April 11, 2018)

I am writing to give you an earful as to how to use the many hundreds of acres off Highway 20 that the Mendocino Coast Parks and Recreation District wants to develop.

Letters (April 4, 2018)

It’s a crying shame that many liberals often resort to puerile, crass and utterly sophomoric tactics to get their points across. By wearing pussy hats and holding signs with such slogans as “Guns Have More Rights than my Vagina,” they really make themselves look as bad, if not worse, than the MAGA rednecks. I’m ashamed of the left (who I mostly agree and identify with, for the record) as well as the GOP. Pity we can’t all act like adults.

Letters (March 28, 2018)

Inspector General and a CPB auditor Ms. Helen Mollick contacted Mr. Jeffrey Parker, the general manager of KZYX a couple weeks ago to inform him that she, would be visiting Philo – probably in May – to audit the station.

Letters (March 21, 2018)

I’d like to call your attention to plans for the Regional Park just east of Fort Bragg. You may remember that several plans have been presented over 20 years; including a golf course, playing fields, hiking and biking paths, and habitat protection. The Regional Park is 586 acres and is owned by the Mendocino Coast Recreation & Parks District, supported by county taxes.

Letters (March 14, 2018)

Cannabis regulation in Mendocino County is not going well and things just got worse. Since marijuana cultivation is regulated as an agricultural crop under the Food and Agriculture Department, it is a key post. Former Modoc County Ag Commissioner, Joe Moreo, retired after 25 years in that position, was hired two weeks ago by Mendocino Supervisors to lead the local regulatory program through the local Ag Department.

Letters (March 7, 2018)

Back in 2013 I stumbled across the fact that Timothy Mullins of Balo Winery improperly applied for and improperly received from the Building Dept. a Class K permit to build a commercial barn and pond on one of two parcels totaling 15 acres of bare land he had just bought from Bryant Whitaker at the west end of Anderson Valley Way.

Letters (Feb 28, 2018)

I have to wonder where a person who still thinks words like Republican, Democrat, Liberal, or Conservative, gets their world view. These words and ideals are all but useless at this sorry ass point in America’s corrupt and dying political culture.
