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Posts published in “News”

Investigating the Disappearance of Kathy LaMadrid

The rumors aren't pretty. Like pornography, they're crass. As with any small town police investigation, they can be all-consuming. But after all the sightings and psychic readings, after the cadaver dog searches and the dozens…

Give Us The Dope Or We’ll Take Your Kids

Every time a judge denies a motion to suppress evidence, the judge is saying to the cop, “Good job, your methods are perfectly legal, no room for improvement; keep up the good work.” As in……

Potter Valley Pomos Buy Fort Bragg’s White Ranch

Here we go again. After sitting on the market for a year, the White Ranch property has sold. This time the buyer is not a predatory, out-of-town developer with his heart set on ticky-tacky boxes…

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Doug Read

I met with Doug Read a couple of weeks ago at his home on the Valley’s unofficial ‘Mason-Dixon Line’ that separates Boonville and Philo, just north of Breggo Cellars Winery. The house, built by carpenter Doug,…

Farm To Farm

People keep asking if I'm planning to bring carrots and lettuce, what have you, down to the Farmers Market (They call it the “food mart”) on Sundays at the Anderson Valley Grange. The short answer…

Peregrine Falcons In Mendoland

Peregrine falcons, the fastest birds on earth, like Mendocino County. In fact, our county has more peregrines breeding here than any other county in the lower 48 eight states. They nest on cliff ledges 50-200…

The Cloverdale Road

Dear Cloverdale Road, I won’t say it’s been too long, but even now my feelings are mixed. Over the years our relationship has been complicated, happy, tumultuous. With you I have endured banality, adventure and…
