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Posts published in “News”

Presenting Madam Luke Breit

Still as crooked as a brokeback snake, Luke Breit, is again in the news. An occasional resident of Mendocino, and a former chief aide to then-assemblyman Dan Hauser, Breit was last in the news when…

The Goldeneye Diaries

What’s interesting about winemaker Zach Rasmusen’s protocol of running a crew is that the first 20 to 30 minutes of every morning is spent stretching together. He received press for this in Out Magazine’s profile…

The Philanthropist Of Greenwood Road

Philanthropist is a Greek word that means ‘friend of the people.’ Local Englishman John Williams was certainly that to many. He died of a heart attack on Sunday, December 2nd in his home of 40…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Isn’t it about now that the ‘13 Days of Christmas’ begin? And how come we almost never hear the 13th day sung…

News From The North

Pros & Cons Of Reggae Fest Having outgrown its Benbow Lake Recreation Area venue, the Reggae on the River music festival is seeking a return to its French’s Camp location and the county’s Planning Commission…

Coasties Beat Back Judges

In the beginning there was the lie, the lie that judges have got to be lawyers. That lie got Mendocino County's outlying justice courts shut down. Used to be you went to court in Covelo,…

River Views

Federal authorities arrested five Mendocino area residents last month, charging each with one count of conspiring to possess with intent to distribute drugs. This is part of a larger drug trafficking case involving the Bay…

Early Building & Planning (1977)

Not too long ago the Board of Supervisors made some rulings controlling building construction in the county. There had been building restrictions in the towns for a good many years. But as time went on…

The Plight Of The Beautiful Tree

The Kashia Pomo of northwestern Sonoma and southwestern Mendocino Counties refer to it as “Chishkale,” meaning “beautiful tree.” Northern California pioneers selected their name for it on an altogether more utilitarian basis: Its bark was…
