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Posts published in “News”

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. December birthdays include distinguished Valley folks such as — Bill Holcomb, Wilma Brink, Pete Benville, and Rick Rajeski — Many Happy Returns!…

Deer Hunting In Sherwood Valley

Many years ago I was hunting in the Sherwood Valley area with a friend from Fort Bragg. We started early in the morning and had trouble right away. We had a big terrier named Snooper…

Susan Keegan & The Central Park Five

The Central Park Five, the newly released Ken Burns documentary about five black and Hispanic teenagers railroaded through the New York City criminal justice system for a rape they did not commit, does not at…

The Goldeneye Diaries

Here I write outside of Boonville in a beautiful leather bound journal gifted by A.L. of Adelaide, Australia. The voluptuous Italian singer, who made my recent four months down under more delectable and a lot…

Looking Back, Part 9

My mother, like her four older sisters in Tennessee (one of whom, the 2nd grade teacher in Carthage, claimed as one of her most well-known students former vice-president Al Gore, Jr.), was, in the words…

When Apples Were King

With vineyards everywhere one looks in Anderson Valley today, it may be hard to believe grapes weren’t always huge here. Believe it. Anderson Valley agriculture was much different during my time in the valley from…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Fred R. Buonanno

I met Fred at his Philo Ridge Vineyards tasting room in downtown Boonville. With manager Jill Derwinski holding the fort we sat down and, with a bottle of delicious pinot gris at hand, began our…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Hopefully you have recovered from America’s Finest Holiday that took place last Thursday and have by now finally finished off the last…

Looking Back, Part 8

My parents, along with my third grade teacher, Miss Wright, highly encouraged me to read as many books as I could during my “leisure time” (when I was not engaged in those other extracurricular activities…
