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Posts published in “News”

The Fight Is Everywhere

This past December 22nd, more than a month before The Warbler began a 65-day occupation of a Ponderosa pine in the southern part of the boggy town of Willits, CA, British forest defenders occupied trees…

Tweakers & The Women Who Love Them

The DA’s ace trial lawyer, Matt Hubley, has resigned. He has removed his services, himself and his handsome family to Sonoma County where he will be working for his former associate here in Mendocino County,…

A KZYX Manifesto

My name is Doug McKenty and I have been volunteering at KZYX for the last seven years. I began as an engineer for my Tai Chi teacher on a program called “Mind, Body, Health,” which…

Showtime At KZYX

The October 7th meeting of the KZYX Board of Directors took place at the Anderson Valley High School before a standing room only public audience. The 25 people crowded into the small classroom included a…

Chief Wilson Retires

“It was June of 2008 and we were standing on the borderline of a two-mile fire line watching a BIG FIRE advance toward Rancho Navarro when suddenly the ‘The Chainsaw Crusader’ appeared out of the…

Panther Soccer 2013

The season continued last week with three away games in just four days for the first-placed Panthers, surely an unintentional scheduling error by High School Athletic Director Robert Pinoli that saw the team travel over…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Belated but still important are birthday wishes that are sent to Valley folks. Bobbie Tucker, Jo Gowan, and Sheri Hansen. Public Service…

New Jail Unit & New Mental Health System

Sheriff Allman got approval from the Board of Supervisors on September 23 to apply for a $10 million state grant to add a large new unit to the Mendocino County Jail. The County will have…

The Tears Of The Phoenix

An early morning call came last Tuesday while I was sipping my first cup of Major Dickason’s Blend at Schat’s Bakery across Perkins Street from the courthouse: “AVA crime desk, this is Bruce.” “Do you…
