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Posts published in “News”

Time For A Fort Bragg Police Oversight Board

In the 1860s justice was swift, if not fair, in this county; five members of the Coates family were shot dead by members of the Frost family within 15 seconds on the streets of Little…

Mendocino County Today: October 6, 2013

OUR MAN IN MYANMAR: Sittwe Homeboy by Robert ‘Captain Rainbow’ Salisbury Today I was riding a bike around a neighborhood, or “quarter” as they call it here. I’m looking for a house to rent for…

Panthers Dominate

Anderson Valley Panthers versus Rincon Valley Christian Eagles, Friday evening, September 27, 6pm. Last Friday night's football game was a mismatch from the outset in favor of the Panthers. The fall air was crisp and…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. Lots and lots of frogs are out in this weather so inevitably I have been very busy eating them and as a result…

CalTrans, A Rogue Agency

My piece elsewhere in this issue of the AVA describes how Caltrans has appeared to violate Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, consistently and repeatedly, in its…

Johnny Pinches’ Last Act

Johnny Pinches has announced he will not run for another term as Third District Supervisor. Pinches, a Laytonville rancher, has always put the broader interests of Mendocino County ahead of personal advantage. He wants to…

Serial Parody

“Mr. Bruce Anderson doesn’t get to decide,” the District Attorney snarled, his nostrils aquiver. DA David Eyster was addressing Judge Ann Moorman in open court. “Just because he’s the editor of the Anderson Valley Advertiser,…

Panther Soccoer 2013

Last Monday afternoon (Sept 23), the AV Boys soccer team made perhaps their longest trip of the season to play Middletown in Lake County. It was a non-league match, but one that will count in…

CalTrans’ Desecration Of Yami

Native people in the greater California North Coast region tended to cluster in foothills along streams and creeks that flowed into river-cut valleys. These areas collectively supported what many scholars consider the largest concentration of…
