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Posts published in “News”

Anderson Valley’s New Fire Chief

Andres Avila was hired to replace retiring AV Fire Chief Colin Wilson effective October 1, 2013 and will assume the position of Fire Chief on November 1 after a one month transition period after Chief…

Wangdoodle Blues

“Did the defendant ejaculate?” “He said he didn’t. He said it was his first time masturbating in public, and he became nervous and was unable to ejaculate.” Cory Rupp, 20, of Ukiah, was on trial…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I’ve been out of the loop a little this week which means that the column will be a short one, but still…

Panther Soccer 2013

Following the crucial loss at Roseland Prep last week, the Panthers were faced with two more league games this week as they attempted to get back to winning ways. First up, here in Boonville, they…

Germination Of A Dream

A long lost envelope of tomato seeds received from relatives in Italy haunts me to this day. My memory of it was of two varieties of saved local tomato varieties neatly folded and labeled from…

Panther Soccer 2013

Following the previous weekend’s very controversial first loss of the season at Fort Bragg, the AV Panthers needed to get back on track and put that game behind them as quickly as possible. With the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Public Service Announcements. Calendars and pens at the ready. #142. The Vets from Mendocino Animal Hospital are down to one visit a…

The Big Game

The big football match-up between the league’s top two teams, the AV High School Panthers and the Mendocino High School Cardinals, was played in Mendocino Saturday beneath a beautiful blue sky and a warm sparkling…
