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Posts published in “News”

Election Notes

Initial returns in the First District Supervisors race (Redwood/Potter Valley), posted a little after 8pm last Tuesday night showed Madeline Cline with a large lead…

The Kendall Family In Mendocino County

In early January I spent a couple of fascinating hours with County Sheriff Matt Kendall and his wife Melissa at their home off of Highway…

Transparency Or Secrecy?

Mendocino County tries to portray itself as transparent. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. As someone who has continually researched and tried, for several…

Election Follies

It’s hard to know what to think about the compost bucket mess of a scandal at county elections, but I’m having fun trying. How about…

Supes Cave: Vets Office To Return To Observatory

Several dozen local veterans packed last Tuesday morning’s Supervisors meeting again to demand fair treatment. Supervisor John Haschak tried to cool down the frustrated vets…

AVA Suspending Publication Of Print Edition

Mendocino County’s Anderson Valley Advertiser newspaper, long a maverick in the nation’s media world, is suspending its weekly print edition, choosing to rely only on…

Weed: A Sad, Sad New York Story

A recent story (February 26) in The New Yorker magazine that describes the woes of the legal cannabis industry in the Empire State might prompt…
